Booking Us
Facilities Available
Wesley Church is available for weddings, funerals, baptisms, concerts and other events.
We also have two large halls. Please note these are not usually available on Friday nights or weekends. Call us to discuss further.
The church is available to outside groups for use in appropriate ways. Wheelchair access is available. For weddings, click here.
Hall No. 1 (Old Hall)
The historic Wesley hall can seat up to 150 persons. A large kitchen contains cooking facilities. Outside entry is available from the south side of the building or through the main hall foyer entrance. Unisex toilet available.
Hall No. 2 (New Hall)
This larger, more modern hall is towards the rear of the Parish Office centre and can seat up to 200 people, with tables to seat approximately 150 people. A large kitchen contains cooking, sanitising, storage and refrigerator facilities. There are toilets and showers in this part of the complex.
The chapel is located at the back of the Old Hall. Approximately 20 people can meet in comfort here. Tea making facilities sometimes available.
We have two very small meeting rooms available. These will seat approximately a dozen people.
Drama Christi
The Drama Christi Studio is available for outside bookings, and is particularly appropriate for community-based drama groups. We will put you in touch with the appropriate person for booking Drama Christi.
Earthquake Prone Buildings
Please note the following buildings are considered Earthquake Prone:
Hall No. 1 (Old Hall)/ Chapel
Drama Christi
For more information about the earthquake prone buildings click here
Standard terms and conditions apply for all bookings. You will be sent these along with a bookings form when you contact us. We require a 25% deposit to confirm bookings.
Contact us for more information.