10am Congregation News and Events

Updated 14 Hōngongoi (July) 2024

14 Hōngongoi (July) Bulletin          2024 Roster (updated 22 March)           10am Service Recordings          Latest 10am Newsletter
Archived Bulletins and Orders of Service          Archived Newsletters

Upcoming 10am and Parish Services

Rātapu (Sunday) 14 Hōngongoi (July), 10am, Wesley Church, Morning Worship, Leader: Rev Tahi Kato (Order of Service)
Rātapu (Sunday) 21 Hōngongoi (July), 10am, Wesley Church, Morning Worship, Leader: Philip Garside

Ministry News
Nicola will be the acting Parish Superintendent while Rev Utumau’u Pupulu is away on extended sick leave.
We wish Rev Utumau’u all the best for his recovery. From 1 February 2025 there will be a new appointment to the Parish, as Nicola will be taking up a new appointment. The Parish is working through the Sta-tioning process.

Joe Taulelei—a message from Nicola
It is with deep sorrow that I let you all know that Joe Taulelei died on Wednesday. He died surrounded by his whanau, surrounded by love. Joe was a member of our congregation for over 70 years. He has been an encourager, a friend, a leader, a man of courage, strength and grace. His contribution to our community over many years was invaluable.He will be remembered as being a light bearer, also for his sense of humour, and most definitely for his deep faith.

A funeral service will be held at Wesley Church on Thursday 4 July from 10am. Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to Isa, their children, grandchildren, and whanau.

DCM memorial service Tuesday July 9 ** Volunteers needed **
On Tuesday 9 July DCM will hold a service in the Old Hall for some of their members who have passed away. They would sincerely appreciate some 10am volunteers to help set out and serve tea, coffee and juice at 12 noon. Please let the office know if you are available. Phone 04 384 7695 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DCM Cool & Calm

Every Wednesday from 11:30 - 12:30, we offer Cool and Calm - a weeklymen's group, providing a non-judgmental space to explore anti-violence and anger management strategies.

In Good Company
Festival Singers and Capital Choir Saturday 6 July 2024 St James Anglican Church,71 Woburn Rd, Lower Hutt.
$25/$20 (Children 18 and under free)
Further information see Heather or Philip.

DCM Food Collection
DCM's Pātaka Kai (Foodbank) sustains people in a very practical way, offering both physical and financial support.
Sometimes the Foodbank can be an entry point into DCM services – and they can then move beyond kai to try to understand what other supports people may need.
Can you help with:
• Ready meals/soups
• Instant noodles
• Tinned fish
• Baked beans
• Biscuits & crackers
• Pasta and curry sauces
• Muesli bars
• Coffee, tea, milk powder
• Toilet paper
• Toothbrushes
• Toothpaste
• Soap
• Deodorant
• Razors
• Washing powder
Please place your donations in the basket as you come into church.
Many thanks for your help from DCM.

10am Email List
Sign up to receive the weekly Order of Service and Bulletin by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nicola's Office Hours

Nicola is available outside of the office opening hours for visitors. If your want to visit with her, give her a call on her mobile 021 274 1957.

Covid 19

If you or a member of your family test positive it is important that you isolate, but please also let Nicola know if this is the case.
In order to keep yourself as safe as possible, please remember to wear a mask, scan in where ever you go so you have a record.
Remember it is important that you look after your physical and mental wellbeing and to look out for each other.

Office Hours

The office is open on Tuesdays to Fridays 10am to 3pm.
Ese, Sarah ands Kula would be very happy to see you. 

Bulletin Contributions

If you have anything for the bulletin, please have it in to the office by 12pm on Thursdays.


If you aren’t coming to church on the Sunday that you are rostered, please arrange a swap and let the office know so we can keep the roster up to date, acknowledge the correct people and provide them information as required.

Parish Mobile Phone

The Parish Mobile Phone is currently not working. If you notice any maintenance items, things missing or anything else that may need to be drawn to the attention of the office please  call the office at 04 384 7695.

Carparking Stickers

The carpark stickers for 2024 have been distributed. 

Please note the following;
Presbyters car parks are strictly for our Presbyters, please do not park on their car parks space, (24/7).
Car park 1 is also leased 24/7 so please do not park there.
Back carparks 12, 13, 14 are on lease to Wesley Community Action (24/7), please do not park on any of these spaces.
Please see Alan if you need a sticker.

Bulletin information

The office is always looking for more information for the bulletin. If you have any news you would like to share with the congregation, please let the office know by noon on Thursday and we can include it. This could be events in your neighbourhood, or good or bad news you would like to share.


Each month the Connexional Office compiles a newsletter of information which has been distributed during the month plus notices and newsletters from other parts of the Church. eMessenger is available on the Methodist website http://www.methodist.org.nz/e_messenger

Reminder to Supervise Children

A quick reminder to supervise children while you are here. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children while on the Church site. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

Other Information

Receiving 10am bulletin and Newsletter by email - Anyone is welcome to receive the 10am bulletin and newsletter by email. If you are interested please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your details.
Bulletin Contributions - Please note that any contributions for the Sunday bulletin need to be in the office by 12pm every Thursday.
Bookings Mobile Number - The Bookings Mobile Number is 027 359 3933. This is where you can report problems with your booking of Parish property - eg already in use, something broken, not cleaned by previous users etc
Other Activities - The 10am Congregation takes part and plans a range of different activities. Some focused on developing spirituality, while others designed as social gatherings.

For more information on our events, please see the 10am Congregation Facebook page

See you at our next event!