10am News & Events Wesley @10 Newsletter Latest Sermon 10am Library
10am Congregation
The 10am Congregation is the English-language congregation of Wesley Church, tracing its roots to the first Methodist Service in Te Whanganui-a -Tara in 1839. The name '10am' refers to the regular Sunday service times, but encompasses all the cultures who worship with us. We describe ourselves as generally progressive in outlook.
Our Mission
We join the other Wesley congregations in expressing our Parish Mission Strategy Statement: Our mission is to demonstrate the transforming love of God both in the care, nurture and development, separately and together, of the Wesley congregations, and in outreach to the city community, with a particular emphasis on making our resources available in response to expressed need.
Our Services
We meet for English-language services each Sunday at 10am. On the 1st Sunday of the month the congregation joins in the combined parish service of Holy Communion at 10am. We also celebrate Holy Communion quarterly as part of a 10am service.
On a 3rd Sunday (when there’s a five-Sunday month), a café-style service is held in the New Hall. This is a more informal service seated around tables. We often have a guest speaker and opportunity for discussion. Morning tea is available throughout the service.
Other Activities
10am Singing Group
The 10am Singing Group practises after morning tea on Sundays in the Drama Christi Studio and participates in services at least once a month. New singers are always welcome. Phone Philip Garside on (04) 475 8855 for more information.
Women's Fellowship
This prayer fellowship is a new initiative meeting at 9am (note the new time) every 3rd Sunday in the chapel. It is for 10am women to get together to pray for the needs of this church, our families and global issues. For the details of the next meeting, please see the 10am News and Events page.
Loaves and Fishes Lunch
A shared lunch, normally held at 75 Taranaki St. All are welcome. Normally held on the second Sunday of the month. For the details of the next lunch, please see the 10am News and Events page.
Bring and Share Lunch
A friendly, informal gathering. Held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 12:30pm in the chapel. For the details of the next lunch, please see the 10am News and Events page.
Drama Christi
Theatre group based at Wesley Church, Taranaki Street. All are welcome to join, in both acting and production. Some members are very experienced, some beginners, but there is something to suit everyone.
Meets weekly on Monday evening. More information is on the website: www.dramachristi.org.nz.
Our Congregation Leaders
10am Stewards: Daphne Pilaar and Leatuavao Leatuavao
10am Treasurer: Hugh Laurenson
Contact Us
For the details of the next 10am Congrergation Leaders' meeting, please see the 10am News and Events page.