10am Library

We have a collection of books available for borrowing that have been purchased using funds from the Anne Wheble bequest. Please see Rev. Motekiai Fakatou if you want to peruse any of the books. The list of available titles can be found here. They are arranged by category.

Books in the Foyer

A small library has been set up in the foyer. Members are welcome to read the books. Thanks to DCM for the books that are now available.

10am Newsletters

We are multi-racial Christian Community: Methodist in affliation, Ecumenical in intention, Diverse in theology, Inclusive in outreach

10am newsletters are published occasionally. The latest was published in May 2022 and is available below.

July 2022 Newsletter

May 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

March 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter

10am Congregation News and Events

Updated 22 Hui-tanguru (February) 2025

23 Hui-tanguru (February) Bulletin               2025 Parish Roster (updated 21 February)                10am Service Recordings
Archived Bulletins and Orders of Service           

Upcoming 10am and Parish Services

Rātapu (Sunday) 23 Hui-tanguru (February), 10am, Wesley Church, Morning Worship, Leader: Niko Bower (Order of Service)
Rātapu (Sunday) 2 Poutū-te-rangi(March), 10am, Wesley Church, Parish Service of Holy Communion, Leader: Rev Suiva’aia Te’o 

Lectionary Readings

Rātapu (Sunday) 23 Hui-tanguru (February), Gen 45: 3-11,15, Ps 37:1-11, 39-40, 1 Cor 15: 35-38, 42-50, Lk 6:27-38
Rātapu (Sunday) 2 Poutū-te-rangi(March), Ex 34: 29-35, Ps 99, 2 Cor 3: 12-4: 2, Lk 9:28-36, (37-43a)

Upcoming Meetings

F&R Meetring, Thursday 27 February, 7pm on zoom.
Parish Council, March 2, after refreshments following the combined service.

News and Events

Carpark Stickers
Carpark stickers are now available from the Office.
Please note the following;
Presbyters car parks are strictly for our Presbyters, please do not park on their car parks space, (24/7).
Car park 1 is also leased 24/7 so please do not park there.
Back carparks 12, 13, 14 are on lease to Wesley Community Action (24/7), please do not park on any of these spaces.
If you are visiting the Parish during the working week, please first obtain a visitor's permit for your vehicle from the office.
This includes if you are visiting for a meeting or event.
You risk having your vehicle towed or clamped if you park during the  working week and are not displaying a visitor's permit.

Flower Arranging
Our thanks to Joy Grove who has retired from Church flowers after many years.
10am are rostered for April, August, and December 2025.
We need more volunteers to help make the church look beautiful.
Please con-tact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help.

Car parks available
The Parish car park has spaces available for weekday parking. These are available Monday – Friday from 6.00am to 7.00pm for $325.00 per calendar month.
Casual parking is available for $35.00 per day, (Monday – Friday, 6.00am - 7.00pm)
For more information, contact Sarah, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 043847695. 

DCM’s Te Hāpai is a welcoming and safe space for anyone who needs it; rough sleepers, people at risk of homelessness, or those who just want a cup of coffee and someone to talk to.
With almost 100 whānau visiting us each day, we go through a lot of paper cups!
Thanks to the Waste Minimisation Seed Fund through Wellington City Council, we were able to purchase 350 reusable cups for Te Hāpai so we can continue to offer daily coffees while reducing our waste to the landfill

DCM Food Collection
DCM's Pātaka Kai (Foodbank) sustains people in a very practical way, offering both physical and financial support.
Sometimes the Foodbank can be an entry point into DCM services – and they can then move beyond kai to try to understand what other supports people may need.
Can you help with:
• Ready meals/soups
• Instant noodles
• Tinned fish
• Baked beans
• Biscuits & crackers
• Pasta and curry sauces
• Muesli bars
• Coffee, tea, milk powder
• Toilet paper
• Toothbrushes
• Toothpaste
• Soap
• Deodorant
• Razors
• Washing powder
Please place your donations in the basket as you come into church.
Many thanks for your help from DCM.

10am Email List
Sign up to receive the weekly Order of Service and Bulletin by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Covid 19

If you or a member of your family test positive it is important that you isolate, but please also let Nicola know if this is the case.
In order to keep yourself as safe as possible, please remember to wear a mask, scan in where ever you go so you have a record.
Remember it is important that you look after your physical and mental wellbeing and to look out for each other.

Office Hours

The office is open on Tuesdays to Fridays 10am to 3pm.
Ese, Sarah and Kula would be very happy to see you. 

Bulletin Contributions

If you have anything for the bulletin, please have it in to the office by 12pm on Thursdays.


If you aren’t coming to church on the Sunday that you are rostered, please arrange a swap and let the office know so we can keep the roster up to date, acknowledge the correct people and provide them information as required.
10am Congregation Members who have access to Teams can find a live version of the full Parish roster here. You can view but not edit the roster. It shows the preaching plan for all services and the 10am duty roster.

Parish Mobile Phone

The Parish Mobile Phone is currently not working. If you notice any maintenance items, things missing or anything else that may need to be drawn to the attention of the office please  call the office at 04 384 7695.

Bulletin information

The office is always looking for more information for the bulletin. If you have any news you would like to share with the congregation, please let the office know by noon on Thursday and we can include it. This could be events in your neighbourhood, or good or bad news you would like to share.


Each month the Connexional Office compiles a newsletter of information which has been distributed during the month plus notices and newsletters from other parts of the Church. eMessenger is available on the Methodist website http://www.methodist.org.nz/e_messenger

Reminder to Supervise Children

A quick reminder to supervise children while you are here. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children while on the Church site. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

Other Information

Receiving 10am bulletin and Newsletter by email - Anyone is welcome to receive the 10am bulletin and newsletter by email. If you are interested please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your details.
Bulletin Contributions - Please note that any contributions for the Sunday bulletin need to be in the office by 12pm every Thursday.
Bookings Mobile Number - The Bookings Mobile Number is 027 359 3933. This is where you can report problems with your booking of Parish property - eg already in use, something broken, not cleaned by previous users etc
Other Activities - The 10am Congregation takes part and plans a range of different activities. Some focused on developing spirituality, while others designed as social gatherings.

For more information on our events, please see the 10am Congregation Facebook page

See you at our next event!


10am News & Events              Wesley @10 Newsletter                 Latest Sermon                10am Library

10am Congregation

The 10am Congregation is the English-language congregation of Wesley Church, tracing its roots to the first Methodist Service in Te Whanganui-a -Tara in 1839. The name '10am' refers to the regular Sunday service times, but encompasses all the cultures who worship with us. We describe ourselves as generally progressive in outlook.

Our Mission

We join the other Wesley congregations in expressing our Parish Mission Strategy Statement: Our mission is to demonstrate the transforming love of God both in the care, nurture and development, separately and together, of the Wesley congregations, and in outreach to the city community, with a particular emphasis on making our resources available in response to expressed need.

Our Services

We meet for English-language services each Sunday at 10am. On the 1st Sunday of the month the congregation joins in the combined parish service of Holy Communion at 10am. We also celebrate Holy Communion quarterly as part of a 10am service.

On a 3rd Sunday (when there’s a five-Sunday month), a café-style service is held in the New Hall. This is a more informal service seated around tables. We often have a guest speaker and opportunity for discussion. Morning tea is available throughout the service.

Other Activities

10am Singing Group

The 10am Singing Group practises after morning tea on Sundays in the Drama Christi Studio and participates in services at least once a month. New singers are always welcome. Phone Philip Garside on (04) 475 8855 for more information.

Women's Fellowship

This prayer fellowship is a new initiative meeting at 9am (note the new time) every 3rd Sunday in the chapel. It is for 10am women to get together to pray for the needs of this church, our families and global issues. For the details of the next meeting, please see the 10am News and Events page.

Loaves and Fishes Lunch

A shared lunch, normally held at 75 Taranaki St. All are welcome. Normally held on the second Sunday of the month. For the details of the next lunch, please see the 10am News and Events page.

Bring and Share Lunch

A friendly, informal gathering. Held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 12:30pm in the chapel. For the details of the next lunch, please see the 10am News and Events page.

Drama Christi

Theatre group based at Wesley Church, Taranaki Street. All are welcome to join, in both acting and production. Some members are very experienced, some beginners, but there is something to suit everyone.

Meets weekly on Monday evening. More information is on the website: www.dramachristi.org.nz.

Our Congregation Leaders

10am Stewards: Daphne Pilaar and Leatuavao Leatuavao
10am Treasurer: Hugh Laurenson
Contact Us

For the details of the next 10am Congrergation Leaders' meeting, please see the 10am News and Events page.